Monday, June 30, 2014

Finally a worthy topic.

As the title infers, I finally have a worthy topic for a blog post! Guess who's here?!

5 generations:

Paw-Paw and his girls:

Smiles are so gorgeous and heart warming. God did a good thing making those.

There's something about a man with a puppy... ;)

Puppy meets puppy:

Paw-Paw, I love you.


  1. Gosh, I just wrote a comment and for some reason it did not post.
    This was such a great surprise, so fast, so wonderful. Yesterday went by toooo fast...It was a wonderful day for everyone it seemed. Mom loved it. She asked this morning how did that come about yesterday. I told her it was from having children.

    Shelby, thank you for the memories.....I can not understand why it doers not go viral on Youtube.
    You can definitely capture the souls with that box you carry around.

    Yester-year is but a moment away . and now it is going to be really hard to get this ever enlarging group together. Sure miss some of those by gone days......but not as much as I enjoy today (yesterday)

    Love you and your are growing up to fast.....way to fast.

  2. Sure are a lot of people missing.

    Marie Osmond's weight loss program is looking better and better with every picture taken of me. I looked at a picture that Shelby took of me and what I saw , I did not want to see. THE TRUTH. I was a hundred and fifty pounds over weight.

    Who cares....the pictures of Tannin covers the truth.
