Thursday, July 3, 2014

Busy Day

Lots of fun things happened today. First there was a pool...
...with water and splashing...

(even though he seemed to be very confused by the whole thing).

Some puppy kisses happened.

Then there were fireman helmets,

(which are yummy)

and fire trucks,

and mommy and daddy fighting with plastic.

Auntie Shelby's new favorite picture. Ever.

First time on a horse - and Chuck Norris was there!!

It was a pretty great day. He is now sleeping soundly, resting up for more fun tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Shelby, the pictures are fantastic!!! I know where your mind will be at camp...if some kids come up missing we can blame Tannin.

    Second to none----NO children in the world are more beautiful/handsome/nor smarter than my grandchildren...EXCEPT MaYbE my GreatGrandChild-Tannin.

    It is so good to see Olivia HaPPy....a reAL hAppY. Motherhood has put a sparkle in her eyes.Richard could be give some credit here BUT Tannin can put a smile on her face pretty quick. What a great little man we will get to watch grow up (as long as you move in with them and continue to take pictures) .

    Chuck Norris, yes , mom asked if that was......I said it looks like it to me , we will just have to go down and see. The guy would make a good double for Norris.

    The last picture tells a mountain of stories of where the baby comes from. From a Walmart parking lot.....fully clothe - with pacifier in mouth - ready to be caught by the out reached arms of the future dad. The future Mom has to be shopping " not expecting " what is happening outside. Storks are now a thing of the pass. Really did not believe that tale any ways.

    I love your sweet.
