Monday, April 21, 2014

Mount Cheaha


  1. Dearest Shelby,
    Your pictures are always a welcomed site to see.......beautiful place last trip there was a pleasant a dying..... dear friend...who loved that mountain.. he had three places that he wanted to see before he passed..and one last deed to do...Mount Cheaha was #1......his Aframe Cabin in North Georgia Mountains was #2 , his Grandmothers grave in North Alabama #3 and he wanted to give his mom and dad a Grandfather Clock for Christmas....He could not walk, but with wheel chair - will travel....At Mount Cheaha , as well as at the cabin in the woods - he did not get out of the car .... he had me to walk down that long path to the rocks over looking the vast long endless valley below and bring back pictures that he would have developed later to well as the pictures of the brook , flowers, at the cabin.. I feel more blessed today than I did then ....that he shared with me moments of his life that I had never known and that I got to give back to him a few moments to give (see) his last wishes.......just wish that I could have done friend said that he was leaving so much undone and would get back to them later.............I am sure he has. Thank you so much for the ripples from days gone by and of the days that are.......I Love You.....ppj

  2. I love these posts....always full of smiles....ppj
