Tuesday, March 18, 2014

For my loving Paw-Paw

Paw-Paw, this one is for you. I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. :) I love you!

These are the buds on our fruit trees!! :)

Fence Lizard. I love their blue bellies.

On Saturday (March 15th) we went to the world's smallest St. Patrick's Day parade. Mostly because one of our very good friends was going to be the Grand Marshall.

Mr. Mark with dad. And below is mom with Mrs. Diane (the very best kind of friends).

It was fun to get all into the spirit, and dress in as much green as possible. :)
I'll try to be more consistent with posting now that everything has slowed down again. Hope you enjoyed these, Paw-Paw. :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures ! Shelby , I know all too well how busy life can be.....you got a horse to feed...that is about a thousand times more than what I eat...lol....peach, apple or pear and Carolina Jasmine flowers the best signs that winter is fading and the underworld is coming to life......wonderfully amazing how blossoms can be stored inside and Spring out of those twigs.. Did you know that If a blue belly lizard bits your teeth and butt turns blue on Hump Day.

    As for your dad...we now KNOW that he IS color blind......bad....real bad.....I mean really , really bad......as bad as one can get. love ppj

    Great time for the zoo.
