Thursday, January 30, 2014

Frost & Ice

No snow. Which is very upsetting. BUT, we got frost and ice. And we determined to enjoy it. It was pretty.

This isn't a picture of her nose. Its a picture of her frozen nose hairs.  

At least it kind of *looked* like snow... 

How can you not love those ^ blurry smiles? :)

1 comment:

  1. I was in hopes you would get a foot of snow......people under 99 should get some at least once every least once. Seeing the ice on Abby , gave me a flash back to Hargis....the horses seemed to enjoy the cold...except those that blankets were kept on and the winter coat did not come out for warmth.... You guys are definitely dressed for snow. We have enjoyed this blog very much.....I believe it is time for a Tannin Trip.
