Monday, December 9, 2013


An assortment of pictures from our trip to Wisconsin (after the rest of the family got there), for those who don't have Facebook. :)
I hate hate hate flash, but it was worth it for this sweet picture. It was late and dark, we were on our way home from a museum. These boys have such a cute friendship.
It was mom's birthday while we were there! She turned 34... ;)

Someone put the candles on wrong...


The whole Evett\Reimer clan!

So we were prepared for the first flash, but my camera likes to take 6 consecutive pictures when it's on a timer...we were not so prepared for the next 5 rapid flashes. However, I do like the result of our ignorance. :) (Even if it is mostly unflattering... :))

And thus ended our one-day-early birthday party for my wonderful mother, teacher, spiritual influence, and close friend. Happy Birthday.

One of the days we were there we went to a museum that had one of my favorite things - a butterfly room thingy! You know, that room you walk into and the butterflies are all flying around and they land on you...

I'm very glad to be home, and back with my horse, but I'm seriously missing this little guy and his big personality. 

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. how the time flies. Wish that I had some kind. The last 2 pictures of Tannin look so very much like his mom......its that Terminator Family Syndrome .

    The watch picture appears to be the Tannin look.

    May the "Force" always be with him.

    Enjoy those flash pictures....who wants to wake up and go out side right before the sun comes up in this kind of weather......not even a Groundhog. LOVE you blog Ms. Shelby....ppj
