Monday, December 23, 2013

This weekend we spent some time traveling to our grandparent's houses for Christmas. :)
This is my Great Granny Knight. She is such an amazingly kind, gentle woman. Her heart is so pure and loving, and she is completely in love with the Lord. I'm so thankful for her.

Two of my favorite women:

This is my Paw-Paw Joe, also an amazingly kind, loving man. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and the best laugh you'll ever hear (my mom has the same laugh, its fantastic :)).

It was so great to be surrounded by family right before Christmas. Its easy to get stressed out with all the driving and craziness and noise. But when I get home, unpack and unwind, I sit back and realize how lucky I am to have my loving family so close. To be able to spend a whole weekend just laughing and talking with all of them.  

Merry Christmas, guys.

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