Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School started back last week. And since then I've been busy. And rather lazy when I'm not busy. So this week, week 2 of my final year of high school, I'm taking the time to stop. And listen to mom when she yells upstairs to me, "There's a squirrel in the tree! Photo-op!" When Garrett comes to me, all excited because he caught the tiniest, fastest little lizard ever. When I'm walking up to feed my gorgeous horse, and see an enormous banana spider in a very intricate and unusual web. And taking the time to stop when it's raining (pouring really) outside. To go outside with mom, Garrett, and Wyatt, and run through and dance in that rain. Then running inside and making Sophie take time to stop too. By dragging her into the rain, and getting her soaked. I'm taking the time to listen to the giggles, and capture the smiles.

This face, though. Totally blurry. And totally perfect.

Wyatt: "Look!! It's a shower!"
Mom: "A redneck shower..."


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