Saturday, August 3, 2013


"The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and great in faithful love.
The Lord is good to everyone;
His compassion rests on all He has made."
Psalms 145:8-9

I'm sitting here, in the kitchen. I have a headache. I'm tired. It's *extremely* hot outside (so-much-so that I've decided today, as soon as I can, I'm moving back up north). I'm cranky. And having a hard time being happy, and not making everyone else in this house cranky. It's a bad day. So, I went to (my Bible is upstairs) and simply looked up 'God is good', in hopes that I would just be able to read through some reminders of how great and big my God is. I found the Psalms 145:8-9, written above. How compassionate and wonderful and beautiful and gracious is my God! 

So this got me thinking about all the blessings in my life (of which I have wayyyyy too many to count), and decided I'd share some with you through pictures. :) 

Blessing number 1: My mom. We have a tendency to butt heads. But she means the world to me. She is a wonderful example, of a mother and a Christian. 

Blessing number 2: My daddy. And this smile of his that melts my heart. He is a wonderful daddy. Last night we were able to sit up, until 11, and talk about boys and life. It was fantastic. 

Blessing numbers 3, 4, and 5: My siblings. And their crazy, loud, sometimes annoying, shenanigans. I love them to the moon and back. 

Blessing number 6: My first wedding job! :D It went great, I'm so happy with how the pictures turned out. It was such a huge blessing to have this experience. 

And these are only the few blessings I was able to capture on my camera. So this week (and this next week since it is Saturday already :)) my goal is to be more positive. And to count my blessings. And to remember how great and wonderful my God is. I'm starting by memorizing Psalms 145:8-9, and if you're reading this I encourage you to do the same. Because our God IS compassionate and wonderful, and we should never have a reason to be negative and down. Happy Saturday! :)

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