Friday, December 27, 2013

2013 - At a Glance

I saw this idea the other day to post a picture representing every month of this year (plus a bonus 'tops-all' picture). It was called 13 for 13, however, mine is more like 23 for 13...

So, in celebration of the upcoming 2014, here is my year through pictures (some I took, some others get credit for). 

January #1 - My sisters. The old married one and the young sassy one. Right before my birthday. In this picture we were 20, 15, and 9.

                  January #2 - My Birthday celebration! I had a huge group of my wonderful friends go with me to Mama Tina's Soup Kitchen, we brought food and passed it out to 100+ people. This is me with Mama Tina herself and her daughter Kenyetta. Best Birthday party ever.

February #1 - Me and my monkey-butt. He grew up so much this year!

                   February #2 - Yep. Its a baby duck. February was apparently a bad month, I couldn't find like ANY pictures. But in Feb. we found this cutie, so here is a little duckling to enjoy.
I thought February was a bad month, and then I tried to find some pictures from March. Guys, I literally found NONE. Which is ridiculous. This is me we are talking about. I take pictures of everything. But no. March has disappeared. Use your imagination.

April #1 - My lovely Abi girl. Love this sweet, beautiful thing.

            April #2 - Spent some wonderful time at one of my favorite places (Camp Victory), with some super cool people. Thankful for memories, and carpet ball tables to chill in.


May #1 - My cute parents. We grew a lot closer this year, at least that's how I feel (haha). I just adore this picture of them, totally natural and casual.


                                  May #2 - Got to see my big brother Richie for the first time in 7+ years! It was exciting and wonderful. I've so enjoyed my friendship with this guy. This is me with him (on the left) and his 'little' brother Andrew (on the right).

June #1 - Got my new camera (Fonzie) this month, so the pictures start getting better form here on out. Haha, here is my youngest brother, politely being a model for me while I practiced with my new toy.

                                    June #2 - The beautiful Sophie, also kindly being my model. She enjoys it much more than Wyatt. :)

July #1 - My sweet sister and her bestie. These girls have the best smiles.

                        July #2 - I worked at Camp more in July, and had an incredible time. This is me and my amazing friend who also works there, she is such an encouragement to me. I wish you lived closer!! :)

August #1 - I LOVE this picture of my daddy. Full smile, dimples showing. Its adorable.

                                  August #2 - Sibling love. Yay for brother cooties. ;)

September #1 - My incredible mom. I LOVE this picture of her also. I can hear her laughing when I look at it.

                             September #2 - We did our family photos this month, and this is one of me with all of my adorable younger siblings. #thuglife

October #1 - This is the month we went camping! It was just one night, but it was awesome. So relaxing and fun. My tall little brother and I chopped all the firewood, so this us showing off our monstrous muscles.

                                   October #2 - Also from the camping trip. No real story with this one, other than its my favorite picture of Sophie. Maybe of all time. I'm definitely putting it out at her graduation and her wedding. It just makes me so happy inside.

November #1 - The month I was in Wisconsin. The month I became an Aunt. This is an instagram picture, so its grainy. But I'm so in love with it. It shows (to me at least) the sweet mommy that my sister now is. And who can pass up a sleeping one-day-old-baby nephew picture?

               November #2 - My little Roy. He has the cutest personality, and toothless grin. I'm so excited to watch him grow up. Thanks for making me an Auntie, kid. :)

December #1 - All of our family, together again. Words cant describe how much I love this picture. The genuine (although unflattering for some) laughter on our faces, the look on Roy's face, and just the fact that we were all together.

                          December #2 - The end of all of our Christmas parties. My sweet mom with her dad, my wonderful Paw-Paw. These kinds of pictures are definitely my favorites, the casual, natural ones. I love these two people so much.
And my bonus picture, me and monkey butt. Gosh I love this kid. He is so wonderful. Younger siblings rock.
Looking back, its been a really great year! I've learned a lot and experienced a lot. I turned 16. I became an Aunt! I received the present to top all presents (my camera), and then I shot my first wedding. I got to see my big brother (twice!). And I worked another summer at Camp Victory. So yeah, this year has been awesome, and I cant wait for 2014. :)

Monday, December 23, 2013

This weekend we spent some time traveling to our grandparent's houses for Christmas. :)
This is my Great Granny Knight. She is such an amazingly kind, gentle woman. Her heart is so pure and loving, and she is completely in love with the Lord. I'm so thankful for her.

Two of my favorite women:

This is my Paw-Paw Joe, also an amazingly kind, loving man. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and the best laugh you'll ever hear (my mom has the same laugh, its fantastic :)).

It was so great to be surrounded by family right before Christmas. Its easy to get stressed out with all the driving and craziness and noise. But when I get home, unpack and unwind, I sit back and realize how lucky I am to have my loving family so close. To be able to spend a whole weekend just laughing and talking with all of them.  

Merry Christmas, guys.

Monday, December 9, 2013


An assortment of pictures from our trip to Wisconsin (after the rest of the family got there), for those who don't have Facebook. :)
I hate hate hate flash, but it was worth it for this sweet picture. It was late and dark, we were on our way home from a museum. These boys have such a cute friendship.
It was mom's birthday while we were there! She turned 34... ;)

Someone put the candles on wrong...


The whole Evett\Reimer clan!

So we were prepared for the first flash, but my camera likes to take 6 consecutive pictures when it's on a timer...we were not so prepared for the next 5 rapid flashes. However, I do like the result of our ignorance. :) (Even if it is mostly unflattering... :))

And thus ended our one-day-early birthday party for my wonderful mother, teacher, spiritual influence, and close friend. Happy Birthday.

One of the days we were there we went to a museum that had one of my favorite things - a butterfly room thingy! You know, that room you walk into and the butterflies are all flying around and they land on you...

I'm very glad to be home, and back with my horse, but I'm seriously missing this little guy and his big personality. 

Merry Christmas!!