Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Zoo 2014

Our homeschool group went to the Zoo! 

Mr. Elephant was enjoying a bath.

This boy looked like he needed a hug. :(

The closer you zoom into his face, the funnier it gets.

Giraffes make great facial expressions:

Mom stole Fonz to get proof that I was there:


Some of us were bigger fans of the birds than others.

Apparently camera bags are great for hiding. Had to check for stowaways before I left.


So, this is mostly unrelated, but I just want to say - I have been feeling tremendously blessed lately. I realize that I have always had a fantastic life, a life with an overwhelming amount of blessings and general things to be thankful for. Lately, however, my lengthy list of blessings seems to have turned into a full book. God graciously provided SO much this semester, and I can only dream of glorifying Him sufficiently with my new blessings. I was gifted with a car – a reliable, cute, red, free car (thank you, Granny). Then, I was offered a job. The job I have wanted for years, in a place where I feel comfortable, and with people I love working with. I’ve continued to grow closer to two very important people - people who encourage me, keep me accountable, make me feel loved and appreciated, challenge me to nurture my relationship with Christ, and comfort me greatly. I can only hope to return a quarter of the friendship and love they’ve given me. I am preparing and looking forward to another opportunity to spend my summer serving Christ at Camp Victory, for my nephew, sister, and brother in-law to move in with us, to graduate high-school in May, and to start full shifts at my new workplace. So, as my heart gushes over, sitting here reflecting, I just want to give God glory – He is the only one worthy. I am SO undeserving, and still God is gracious, generous, and loving towards me. It’s a marvelous mystery. He has definitely kept me as the apple of His eye, and hid me in the shadows of His wings.  Psalm 145:3 “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.”