Sunday, September 29, 2013

These are my siblings, whom I adore. :)
Sophie, the youngest girl. Right now her dream is to be a belly dancer. I am praying that will change...but I'm also enjoying the childishness while it lasts. She is sassy, and squeaky, and beautiful, and growing up too fast.

This is Wyatt, the youngest boy. He holds almost all of my heart in those blue eyes of his. He says the cutest, most sincere things. He has a very big future ahead of him, and I both cant wait and dread watching him grow up.

This is Garrett, the gawky teen. His voice is cracking, and there are tiny hairs growing on the sides of his mouth. He is turning into a wonderful man of God, and I'm extremely proud of the integrity and compassion I see in his heart.

These are my siblings, whom I adore. :)

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