Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 - 2018

I’ve been seeing everyone’s sweet reflections on 2017, I’ve been loving reading them and the memories you all have from this year, and your hopes for the next one. But I wanted to do something different. I wanted to focus on being vulnerable and honest and raw, because this year has not been perfect. There have been some heartbreaking days. I wanted to find photos to represent those moments, and go through memories from 2017 in a different way, to tell people life isn’t perfect and its okay to be broken.

I started looking through my photos with this as my intention, but was taken by total surprise. I started crying half way through my search, overwhelmed by the sweet memories and moments I’ve had the honor of enjoying this year. Even with half of my soul living thousands of miles away, this year has been full of some of the happiest, most peaceful and joy filled moments of my entire life.

So, this is a different take on 2017 than I thought it would be, but it’s a perfect representation of how much grace God gave me this year.

(Watching my sweet husband lead our Ft Drum Navigator's group by showing them the love of a humble servant and washing all of their feet was the absolute best way to start off the year.)

(February flew by as we prepared for Lewis to deploy.)

(March was rough as I adjusted to Lewis being gone, but having these guys around again made it much easier.)

(Loved being present for this sweet, sweet day.)

(Long distance sucked, but he is more than worth it.)

(Andy and Bridget have become siblings, and that means our family dog piles have grown.)

(July was one of the most exciting months. I walked where Jesus walked, floated in the dead sea, took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, and absolutely fell in love with Israel.) 

 (Plenty of time spent on Facetime this year.)
(This boy was one of the greatest highlights of my year. Watching him grow and learn was incredible, and I miss him all the time.)

 (The best surprise ever, and my favorite weekend of deployment by far. Sweden was gorgeous and delicious; I can't wait to go back.)

(We celebrated and processed through and rejoiced and hurt over the anniversary of our sweet baby.)
(One of Lewis' best friends honored his absence at his wedding in the sweetest possible way.)

(I went to Disney for the first time ever! It was a blast, but my favorite part of the trip was my daily quiet time with this young man. I love watching him learn to love God with all of his heart.)

(October for Lewis.)
 (Anticipation for this wedding was building like crazy.)

(Most of my months looked like this at some point. I have been more aware of and thankful for technology this year than ever before.)
(Favorite day of the year.)
 (Life was suddenly more full of laughter when he came home.)
 (He bought me a huge Christmas tree, and I cried as I put it up.)

 (Nights like this one fill up my heart with happiness.)
 (December 16th was a day to remember. Two of our best friends married each other, I cried at least 5 times, we danced and laughed and walked down the isle together again. I cant wait to see more photos! :) ) 

This morning I was sitting in bed with my quiet time journal, reflecting and praying, and this husband of mine just walked in, grabbed my face, looked me in the eye, and said so simply and firmly, "I promise I will never stop loving you, and I will never stop pursuing you."