Thursday, August 6, 2015

Alana Rose

Alana Rose Reimer
August 5th, 2015
11:25 am
7lbs. 10 oz.
20 in. long

She's got her mama's fat earlobes and hairy monkey head.
Its perfect.


Fingers so wrinkly you'll think she's part elephant.

Being an auntie is my favorite thing, and these two little perfect kiddos my sister has had make it so easy to love.
Darling Rose girl, I simply cannot wait to watch you grow up. To see your personality develop, to learn what you like and don't like. I am so very excited for your future - you have so much to experience and learn. I'll try not to call you hairy monkey baby for long, and I will eventually stop pointing out your perfectly chubby earlobes and wrinkly, wrinkly fingers. I didn't know I had enough room in my heart to love you this much - especially after your big brother basically stole the whole thing. I'm going to need more than one I think, if your mom keeps having perfect children. I cannot wait for you to get to know our Father, to love Him and learn about who He is and His love for you. You are sweet and precious and cherished and beautiful. Life is tough, but you're going to knock it out of the park. I love you more than I can express.