Saturday, July 18, 2015

CV 2015, a.k.a nanny life.

Camp Victory has been my home for a while. Years. It is somewhere I am safe and comfortable and confident. Surrounded by friends who have become family, and a staff that has been essential to my growth in Christ. A while back I was really torn between committing to work this summer and staying in town for the job I'm in-love with. My boss was super gracious in telling me to follow the Lord, and do what I needed to - my job would be here when I got back. So after prayer and many conversations, I decided to go. But not as a counselor, and not for the whole summer. I would be filling a new position (the official title being 'Assistant to the Office Assistant'), for the month of July. Essentially a glorified nanny. :) I was excited! Catching tadpoles, watching Tom & Jerry, playing in kiddie pools and mud and doing what a 5 and 3 year old boy would do. That was my job description. Definitely something I can handle. But somewhere in my heart impatience was growing. And as much as a blessing as those two sweet boys can be, my sweet Savior has been teaching me and trying to grow my stubborn heart. I miss home so much when I'm gone (only a week at a time!), the coffee shop, my family. I struggle to pour my energy into the boys and focus on being with them, because I keep wanting to be somewhere else. It doesn't help that I don't see the other staff members nearly as much. But. Its now the end of week 7, tomorrow will begin week 8, technically the end of my second week and beginning of my third. And the longer I'm there, the better it gets. I'm half way through my time there, and I'm starting to feel emotional about it ending! I'm ready, don't get me wrong. But, I'm not completely joyful about it either. Its bittersweet, and that's good. As usual Jesus has been so faithful to me, so consistent and gracious. He has been right next to me through every struggle my heart has had. Shocker. :)
So here's to the next two weeks!
Also, I took these pictures of my gorgeous sister and her pregnant belly. So excited to meet my niece. She's going to be a beaut.  

She's a wonderful mom.