Sunday, October 5, 2014

Panacea \\ Beach

We took a field trip to Panacea, Florida - to the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab. We were able to help catch crabs, that were then sent to National Geographic for research:

We looked at all kinds of new fish:

And touched\held numerous crabs:

We, unfortunately, didn't get to feed the sharks, but it was fun to watch our tour guide do it:

We held star fish,

and saw sea horses:

We watched octopuses fight over dinner,

and I fell in-love with how cute they were:

Then there were more crabs. By the handful. Literally.

The sting ray ended up having a thing for Garrett,

which was returned enthusiastically:

This one is NOT a sea creature. But he was my favorite:

I held a (dead) jelly fish.

And then we went to the beach for the afternoon. :)

I love you Paw-Paw! :)