Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer has been crazy wonderful so far. God is so good.
        But it is also hectic, so I haven't been shooting very much.

Here's a random compilation of what's been up. :)

Lizards. Vibrant greens. They love the camera. 

Also vibrant oranges. 

Rainy days are the best. :)

A cutie with an umbrella = easy work for me. 

More to come later. :) It's good to be home. If you're reading this, know that God is good. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is forgiving and wonderful, and worthy of all praise. We all worship something, shouldn't the object of our worship be something worthy?
Much love. <3

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Not everyone can have a fairy as a sister. Some people are just blessed. :) 

I'm so thankful to have a sister who adores being a model. :) And she's completely perfect, which makes my job easy. :)

A laugh. :)

That's all for today. As I'm sitting and typing this out my younger brother comes over, \
"Sophie? Again? No body ever takes pictures of me... :( " 
As if. So it sounds like later you will get some cute-ness overload from Wyatt.

Until then, thanks for reading. :) 

Saturday, June 1, 2013


It has been an extremely long time since I posted. As a little girl I always tried to keep a diary, and I was never consistent with it. The same applies to this blog. For that, I apologize.

Since last posting, I have officially started my photography career. I have had several family photo shoots, senior portraits, a graduation event, and even a small shoot for a head-shot that was to appear in a play bill. Its been crazy, but the wonderful kind. Things haven't gone as planned, I've had bad photos, people have been stubborn, and cameras have messed up and even broken. But over all, its been a wonderful adventure, and truly a blessing. I am so very thankful to everyone in my life who has given me the opportunity to be their photographer, and capture their special moments. For all of those who knew that I was (and still am) an amateur, but also knew that if they didn't give me a chance I always would be. I cannot thank them enough.

To update anyone reading this I am going to include some of my favorite photos from this past year and a half + (mostly just the past few months). :) I will provide a brief description.  

For a while I was using my dad's amazing film camera. I cannot express my deep love for it. I named him Nolan, and I'm pretty sure he will forever be my favorite camera. However, film is expensive to develop and Nolan broke. Some day when this really takes off I want a dark room, where I can develop my own photos, and another film camera.

More from Nolan:

My beautiful, wonderful parents. They've been so supportive of me, I cant even say how much it means. They are my world. (Taken on Nolan) 

This is after Nolan died. My wonderful parents (in the picture above) bought me a new camera. :D His name is Fonzie, and he does great work too. But Nolan will be missed. 

Playing with Fonzie. 

My gorgeous younger sister. 

These seniors were great. They did whatever I asked them too, and stood by patiently while I tried to figure out what to do next. The pictures were taken on Nolan, right before he died. 

                                               My first Senior, Rebecca. A beautiful model. 

Taken on Fonzie:

Back to Nolan; my second Senior, Corali. Such a kind, gentle heart, this one. And a fantastic smile.

Last one for tonight guys. My third Senior, Nicolas. A very strong, quiet man. 

This journey has been great so far. I have a session with 3 little girls this week, and a wedding coming up in July (my first!). Im very nervously excited for the wedding. :) I will try, as always, to be more consistent with my posting. Thank you guys, for anyone who actually reads this! :)
In Christ, 
