Friday, October 28, 2011

Thoughts :)

In fields of long grass, wild flowers rubbing my legs,        I run.
The sun is shinning, but I'm not worried about getting a sun burn.
My face is flush, but no matter how fast I run I never slow or tire.
I lay down in the grass and it swallows my still form.
      I feel so safe.
Not like anything I've ever felt.
I'm not worried about tics, mosquitoes, or snakes...
Not even the fact that I'm alone.
I sigh in relief.
      Overwhelming peace.
Suddenly I realize I'm indeed -
      not alone.
He sits down beside me, an everlasting smile on His face.
I'm completely rapt in His presence and
content just to sit and look into his face,
at His hands,
hear Him breath,
       and know He's there.
It could never get boring.
Then He speaks and I'm     enthralled, hanging on every word.
He calls over a lion and starts to talk about how it's face is just like He planned.
I smile, only now realizing that I've been gaping         in awe.
I sit up to rest my head on His knee,
and He puts His hand on my shoulder.
His one hand covers my entire shoulder and then some of my arm and back.
The lion begins to purr, which makes me laugh      and in-turn makes Him       laugh.
His laugh is unlike anything you could imagine;
It seems to make everything sigh in      contentment, even the grass and trees.
I suddenly have an urge to hug Him, but before I can,
             He hugs me.
He pulls me into His lap and hugs me like He will never let go or loosen His grip.
In that moment I feel perfect.
                That is where I belong.
In this moment THAT'S where I want to be,
     what I long for.
A place where I will always belong,
Being content just to lay and listen to Him.
For He is my beloved,              and I am His.